It’s essential to support a friend who’s lost their Grandmother. Our words can’t take away the sorrow, but they can make the grieving person feel loved and comforted.
Sample Condolence Messages For Sympathy Card
- Your Grandmother was an incredible woman.
- May special memories you shared with your Grandmother bring you comfort.
- I’m going to miss her, too. [Name] was a special person.
- I’m always there in your hour of need. May her soul rest in peace.
- Please accept my deepest condolences for your family’s loss.
- I am thinking about your loss and sending love.
- Sharing in your sorrow with love and friendship.
- No words can describe how sorry I am for your loss.
- Grandma has found eternal rest.
Related: 300+ Condolence Messages → Comforting Words of Sympathy
Condolence Prayer for The Death of a Grandmother

Eternal rest, grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace – Amen.
Traditional Catholic Prayer for Deceased Grandmother
Face-To-Face Condolences at The Funeral
Loving words of comfort will help with the loss of a Grandmother. Being a good listener is another way to support the bereaved granddaughter or grandson.
- My sincerest condolences on the death of your Grandmother.
- We are so sorry for your loss of Grandma.
- Our family will miss her, too.
- I hope you feel surrounded by much love.
- Sharing in your sadness as you remember Granny.
- I am so sorry for your loss.
- My thoughts are with you and your family. Nonna will be missed.
- Grandma will always be in your heart and the many others that loved her.
- What an amazing person and what a remarkable life
Grandmother Quotes for Sympathy Note

The following sympathy quotes will help guide your condolence message and remind the recipient of your love and support:

Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever. – Anonymous

Parent-child relationships are complex. Grandmother-grandchild relationships are simple. Grandmas are short on criticism and long on love. – Janet Lanese

Grandmothers always have time to talk and make you feel special. – Catherine Pulsifer

Every parent knows that children look at their grandparents as sources of wisdom and security. – David Jeremiah

If nothing is going well, call your grandmother. – Italian Proverb

There are grandmothers out there who would move heaven and earth for their grandchildren. – Janice Elliott-Howard

Grandmothers and roses are much the same. Each is a God’s masterpiece with different names. – Anonymous
My Grandmother Passed Away Messages

I am going to miss everything about you, Grandma.

Grandma, You are so very loved and deeply missed.

To my mentor and best friend. Grandma – I Love You

Grandma, thank you for your infinite love and wisdom.

Thank you for building a family of love and kindness.

Grandma, I loved how you always for always spoiled me

Grandma, thanks for what you did for our family.

Your stories and memories were memorable, I cherish the time we spend together.

Spending time with you is a favorite memory in my life, thank you for your endless love!

Grandma, thank you for all you’ve taught me.
Rest in Peace – Grandma Messages

I am deeply saddened by the loss of your Grandmother. God Rest Her Soul.

Grandma your memory will never fade. Rest in Peace

Your Grandmother will be missed and she will never be forgotten. May her soul rest in peace!

We will meet again. Of that I’m sure. Rest in Peace Grandma.

Please accept my deepest condolence for your Grandmother’s death! May She Rest in Peace.

Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death. – Isaiah

May God bless Grandma’s soul. RIP Dear Lady!

Grandma was an exceptional woman. I can’t believe she’s no longer here with us. May Her Departed Soul Rest in Peace.

Rest in Peace, Grandma. You were loved by so many of us!

Grandma, I’m so lost without you. May your beautiful soul rest in peace.

Grandma left many wonderful memories that will never fade from my heart. May she Rest in Peace!