In Loving Memory Quotes – For a Eulogy

A eulogy is a speech given at a memorial service held In Loving Memory of somebody who has recently died. Here are some of the most suitable and helpful tribute and funeral quotes to include in your eulogy address.
- Thank you for all the happiness that you have given our family.
- Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day, unseen, unheard, but always near.
- Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal – Irish proverb
- With God’s love and grace, you shall pass into heaven.
- Death ends a life, not a relationship. – Mitch Albom
- There is No Light Without a Dawning
No winter without a spring
And beyond the dark horizon
Our hearts will once more sing ….
For those who leave us for a while
Have only gone away
Out of a restless, care worn world
Into a brighter day
– Helen Steiner Rice - Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4
- “Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today.” Ernest Hemingway
- Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.
- That night as I lay sleeping, you gently slipped away, I never will get over that, I miss you more each day. I tell myself you’re only sleeping and that I’m not alone, for God will come for me one day and take us both back home.
- A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. – George Bernard Shaw
In Loving Memory Quotes – For a Sympathy Card

Dad, you’ve been constant support, love, and protection in my life. Plus, you’re my friend.

Wherever a beautiful soul has been, there is a trail of beautiful memories. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Your presence we miss, your memories we treasure. Loving you always, forgetting you never.

What is lovely never dies, but passes into another loveliness.

Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.

There are no goodbyes for us. Whenever you are, you will always be in my heart. – Mahatma Gandhi

Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day unseen, unheard but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear.

To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.

May love be what you want to remember – Darcie Sims
In Loving Memory – For Epitaph

It is hard to find the words to honor a loved one when they are no longer with us. Here’s a look at a few of the most famous epitaphs in memory of these celebrated people’s lives. (Typically an inscription on a tombstone.)
I expect to pass this way but once;
any good therefore that I can do,
or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature,
Let me do it now.
Let me not defer or neglect it,
For I shall not pass this way again.
Etienne Griellet
Free at Last,
Free at Last,
Thank God Almighty
I’m Free at Last!”
Martin Luther King
A tomb now suffices him for whom the whole world was not sufficient.
Alexander the Great
I have tried so hard to do right.
Grover Cleveland
When I was in the military,
they gave me a medal for killing two men
and a discharge for loving one.
A gentle man and a gentleman.
This is the last of Earth. I am content.
John Quincy Adams
Truth to your own spirit.
Jim Morrison
Lights will guide you home.
I finally get to see Marilyn.
Joe DiMaggio
In Loving Memory Quotes – For Text Message

Social media has become the norm for staying connected. When your network communicates through texting, posting, and responding to online messages, sending an In Loving Memory via text is acceptable. The following are sample text messages:
- Always in our Hearts & Thoughts
- A Piece of our Hearts, Is Now in Heaven,
- A loyal and trusted friend
- Always adored, always missed.
- Forever in our hearts, and remembered with love
- Respected, Loved, Adored, and Missed
- In God’s care
- A long life well lived
- A soul, resting eternally.
- Always in Our Hearts
In Loving Memory Quotes – For Wind Chimes

Loving Memory Wind Chimes provide peace and relaxation to a grieving loved one. They offer a lovely remembrance to a memorial garden or backyard patio.
- A drop returned to the ocean.
- Do not mourn my death; celebrate my life
- Dance, wherever you may be
- Always in our thoughts
- Hear the wind and think of me
- Always Remembered
- An inspiration to us all.
- Cherished and sadly missed
- Forever in Our Hearts.
- Gone yet not forgotten, although we are apart, your spirit lives within me, forever in my heart.
In Loving Memory Quotes – For a Wedding Program

A wedding program is a great place to include some personal touches. It’s always nice to include a memorial section. Here are some of our favorite examples:
- We lovingly remember our family members who are with us today in spirit. May the bouquet on the altar be a symbol of their presence.
- The flowers in front of the church are in loving memory of our grandparents who are not able to be here today to celebrate with us but are watching from Heaven and will always be in our hearts. (List grandparents)
- Today we say our vows in loving memory of you. The flowers on the unity candle table are in loving memory of those who cannot be here today. Although we cannot see you, we know you are here, smiling down, watching over us as we say “I do”. You are forever in our hearts and in our lives.
- Those we love don’t go away; they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear.
- We know you would be here today If Heaven wasn’t so far away.
- Although death has separated us physically, faith and love have bound us eternally. Though we cannot see you, we know you are here, Though we cannot touch you, we feel the warmth of your smile, as we begin our new lives. Today we pause to reflect upon those who have shaped our character, molded our spirits and touched our hearts.
In Loving Memory Quotes – For Memorial or Bench Plaques

A memorial bench or plaque is a beautiful tribute to a deceased loved one. A quiet place to go and remember, and pay your respects, when the raw sorrow of the funeral has passed.
- If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.
- In our lives for X years, But in our Hearts Forever
- Never forgotten, we will always love you
- Until we meet again.
- Our best friend
- Our Little Piece of Heaven
- Our love is eternal
- Remembered Always
- Rest in peace
- Still loved, still missed and very dear.
- Such a special person
In Loving Memory Quotes – For Tattoos

I Love You Forever and A Day

Forever With You – Granny

In Loving Memory Quote (Mom & Dad with dates)

Always on My Mind, Forever in My Heart

Fly High Grandpa

Your Wings Were Ready But My Heart Was Not – Dad
Part of me went with you the day God took you home.

I used to be your Angel, now your mine.

Daddy’s Girl FOREVER – You taught me everything in life except for how to live without you.

A Piece Of Me Left – The Day Called You Home
In Loving Memory Quotes – For Urn Inscription

- Memory is a lovely lane, where hearts are ever true, a lane I so often travel down, because it leads to you.
- May you touch dragon flies and stars, dance with fairies, and talk the moon.
- Loving Wife, Mother, Grandma, Sister, Friend.
- Your life was a blessing, Your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.
- Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.
- If Love Could Have Saved You, You Would Have Lived Forever.
- Gone yet not forgotten, Although we are apart, Your spirit lives within me, Forever in my heart.
- Loving wife and mother. May the rest in peace
- “I’ll hold you in my heart until I can hold you in heaven.
- Well done, good and faithful servant. – Matthew 25:21